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The Mermaid, Burford
OX18 4QF
Pub Type
Greene KingReviews (Current Rating Average: 5½ of 10) see review guidelines
Please Note: This review is over a year old.
JohnWarks 'tache left this review about The Mermaid
Not sure about this one. Was on a rare forage for food and this was only place serving food during the afternoon. Upstairs cosy, as long as you're not too tall. Conservatory at back more like a playhouse with kids running around everywhere. Main bar OK. Good Ploughmans & nice ale
On 2nd July 2011
- rating: 6
[User has posted 20 recommendations about 20 pubs]
Please Note: This review is over a year old.
Nick Davies left this review about The Mermaid
Off season this is a pleasant enough place, popular with older locals and ladies who lunch. It's a pity however it's undergone a completely unnecessary refurbishment which was probably meant to make it look 'olde worlde' but does exactly the reverse. With a keen eye you can work out the original coaching-inn layout, and the wood panelling and log fires are all fine. I expect it pleases the hoards of tourist who pass this way in the summer. Too much given over to food and mundane GK offerings on the bar. It's about average for Burford, go in for a quick one, but there are better pubs around here.
On 22nd November 2010
- rating: 5
[User has posted 578 recommendations about 570 pubs]