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George Eliot, Nuneaton
Pub added by elizabeth mcgraw
3 Bridge Street
CV11 5DA
CV11 5DA
Phone: 02476388534
Reviews (Current Rating Average: 5 of 10) see review guidelines
Please Note: This review is over a year old.
Just a quick pint, then I'm off left this review about The Barley Mow
There's probably quite nice old building hiding behind all the tat, but going in on a Friday evening (when it's part-disco with bouncers on the door) meant I probably didn't see it in its best light. Given its clientele, I was surprised to find two handpumps - Tetleys cask (OK-ish) and Spitfire. Moved on quickly.
On 28th November 2009
- rating: 5
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