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The Red Lion, Bradford
Postal town: Bradford
Pub Type
Punch TavernsReviews (Current Rating Average: 5 of 10) see review guidelines
Please Note: This review is over a year old.
Just a quick pint, then I'm off left this review about The Red Lion
Quite an attractive old pub on the A641 Manchester Road, retaining its twin-bar layout. Comfortable lounge with plain but tidy furniture in the various seating areas, and a more basic public bar with the dartboard, etc. Despite the two Tetley-clipped handpumps on the counter (and the status reported on What?ub), cask ale hasn't been sold for a couple of years apparently... Made do with the freezing-cold keg version (£2.80), but it's a shame as this could be a good pub with some decent beer.
On 16th February 2019
- rating: 5
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