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Beer of the Week (w/e 9th February 2025) with rpadam on the Pub Forum

The Frocester George, Stonehouse

Peter Street
Postal town: Stonehouse
GL10 3TQ

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Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Helen Iwanczuk left this review about The Frocester George

According to Tripadvisor, The George Inn has reopened. It is now known as The Frocester George.

On 31st May 2015 - no rating submitted
[User has posted 265 recommendations about 205 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Jonathan Wilde left this review about The George Inn

The George Inn was formerly the The Royal Gloucestershire Hussars Hotel which changed it's name back to The George approximately 18 years ago when a village consortium purchased it. The current landlord purchased of the consortium circa 5 years ago and would consider changing it back as lots of people still refer to it as The Royal Gloucestershire Hussars Hotel.

A large building given it's former use as a hotel consists of a front central bar to the right of the front entrance hall with a large open fire place to the left on the frontage appears to be function room and behind to the right is a lounge although I didn't go in there. To the rear is a large graveled garden with benches for the few days we have the sunshine.

3 hand pumps in the bar with only 2 in use on my visit both with Timothy Tailor ales on. The board did report different TT ales to what was on and a cider that seemed missing although they may be available in the bar.

On 22nd April 2013 - no rating submitted
[User has posted 367 recommendations about 349 pubs]