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Yet another list with Mobyduck on the Pub Forum

The Jolly Sailor, Hanham, Bristol

53 High Street
BS15 3DQ

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Reviews (Current Rating Average: 7 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Aqualung . left this review about Jolly Sailor (JD Wetherspoon)

I was surprised to learn that this is an original pub as it struck me that it was a typical small older Spoons and it isn't even that as can be seen below. I also completely failed to notice an upstairs bar but before midday on a Saturday it may not have been open. The downstairs bar consists of an unremarkable smallish single L shaped room.
There are only five hand pumps which had the JDW Trio Of Doom, Box Steam Piston Broke and Hobgoblin Gold. Cider is good value in these parts so I went for the Black Dragon one from the fridge (£2.75) which was just the job on a hot day.
I thought this one was OK.

On 19th June 2017 - rating: 6
[User has posted 2143 recommendations about 2143 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Just a quick pint, then I'm off left this review about Jolly Sailor (JD Wetherspoon)

A proper pub, not a conversion, by the look of things, and this initially appears to be one of the smaller surviving 'spoons. Nothing of note inside the 'L'-shaped interior as it has all the usual dark furniture and decor of the early examples. Also has a rear patio area. Only five handpumps on the bar counter too, from which the Adnams / Dungarvan Irish Red (£2.15) was the pick. However, on further examination, there is also a second (smaller) bar upstairs with two further (duplicated) handpumps. However, the place seems well managed, and the food service was very prompt.

On 15th April 2017 - rating: 6
[User has posted 8508 recommendations about 8508 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Blackthorn _ left this review about Jolly Sailor (JD Wetherspoon)

This is a recent addition to the Wetherspoon’s stable. It’s a traditional Victorian red-brick public house that was somewhat down at heel previously, and has now been given a new lease of life with a JDW makeover.

It’s perhaps a little smaller than many of their pubs, although there were signs pointing to more seating and another bar area upstairs, which I didn’t investigate. There is also a small courtyard garden/smoking area at the back. Decor is inevitably much the same as any Wetherspoons, with some wood panelling on the walls along with freshly painted plaster in mellow tones, and a dark patterned carpet. The only feature of any interest is the fireplace with a large mirror up above. There are also plenty of pictures and other information on the walls about the local area.

There was a plasma screen showing a news channel, although this had the volume down and was tucked out the way around the corner. There were also a couple of fruit machines opposite the bar and several A-boards promoting the various meal deals available.

Beers on tap were Milk Street’s Amarillo, GWB Maiden Voyage, Hydes Ship Shape, Abbott Ale and Ruddles Best. Ciders were Blackthorn, Strongbow and Thatcher’s Gold.

On 10th June 2011 - rating: 6
[User has posted 2033 recommendations about 1939 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

elizabeth mcgraw left this review about Jolly Sailor

From 15th February this will be a JD Wetherspoon

On 6th February 2011 - no rating submitted
[User has posted 252 recommendations about 249 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Anna Steele left this review about Jolly Sailor

The Jolly Sailor is under new management and offers excellent food and drink for good value with a great atmosphere. Carlsberg @ £1.49 and spirits from £1.45 per double. There is a karaoke disco on fridays.

On 30th November 2004 - rating: 10
[User has posted 1 recommendations about 1 pubs]