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Venue for Spring 2025 PuG crawl. with Bucking Fastard on the Pub Forum

Popolo, Newcastle Upon Tyne

48 Sandhill
Newcastle Upon Tyne

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Reviews (Current Rating Average: 5 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Quinno _ left this review about Popolo

Going for the hipster student chic look and ended-up in here as it was a late-opener post-midnight with a few hardcore companions from Leicester Uni. No ale, just a cloudy US keg at a high price and a load of bottles and cans. To be fair, it was better than I expected given the location and they were sensibly in the business of keeping it a quiet midweek night, with discrete background music rather than attempting to deafen people. 5.5

On 26th May 2017 - rating: 5
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