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The Market Stores, Reigate

2 High Street
Phone: 01737240492

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Reviews (Current Rating Average: 6 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Quinno _ left this review about The Market Stores

Blandised Fuller's place - any charm and character has been ruthlessly eliminated and every non-floor surface is smothered in a slightly greener version of battleship grey. The main bar area is a cavernous nothingness. Two cask, Pride and a Dark Star. The former was long in the tooth and lacklustre (NBSS 2) which served as a handy metaphor for the place itself. You’d expect a Fuller’s pub in a posh town like Reigate to be much better than this.

On 20th September 2024 - rating: 5
[User has posted 5509 recommendations about 5490 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Blue Scrumpy left this review about The Market Stores

This large Fuller's pub, situated pretty much slap bang in the centre of the town appears to be quite a popular haunt. Located just in front of Reigate Caves, it has a garden on the first floor level. Whilst I didn't venture upstairs, it seemed to be the place to head to.

At ground level, there is a single large space that is quite modern in appearance, but is reasonably nicely decorated. A further outdoor space can be found to the side of the building in the passageway. The young bar staff seemed quite amenable, but were not too efficient in their service. Fuller's London Pride is the regular cask ale. Additional beers from the Fuller's stable were Gale's Spring Sprinter & Dark Star Hophead. I'd never actually tried the Spring Sprinter before and I have to say that I was very impressed. Indeed, it was possibly my favourite beer of the day. In addition to the cask ales, there were also 2 or 3 interesting craft beers.

The Market Stores wasn't initially on my shortlist of pubs to visit in Reigate. But I would happily come here again.

On 16th June 2022 - rating: 6
[User has posted 2907 recommendations about 2905 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Graham Coombs left this review about The Market Stores

Large pub in centre of town with street level and upstairs bars, and garden extending onto the hill behind. Visited at a quiet time of day which made the inside feel as cavernous as the caves behind. The eclectic mix of furniture features a lot of high stools and benches, with only a couple of 'comfortable' corners, which were of course occupied. London Pride and Oliver's Islands were the beers on offer, although there were some interesting-looking keg craft beers if you like that sort of thing.

On 8th August 2017 - rating: 7
[User has posted 3581 recommendations about 3516 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Pub SignMan left this review about The Market Stores

This is a centrally located Fullers pub, easily reached from Reigate train station via the path and tunnel next to the Castle Grounds. You enter into a large, bare boarded room where the first thing that strikes you is quite how much open space there is between the entrance and the bar. This created a rather plain and soulless effect on a quiet Saturday afternoon visit and resulted in pockets of customers dotted around the pub, but no activity in the centre of the room or around the bar. The servery is midway down the left hand wall and has a semi-circular counter and high dark wood bar back. A couple of high tables and fixed benches can be found in this open area, but the seating is for the most part consigned to the periphery. To the right of the entrance is a small carpeted raised space with a single armchair, one fixed bench and some standard chairs, whilst to the left there are some upturned barrels with high stools. The largest group of seating is in a distinct area to the rear of the room, where another barrel and some long high tables can be found in a tile floored area with windows looking out to the side passage and a door on the back wall signposted to the tunnels which run below the Castle Grounds (also sadly accompanied with a 'Staff Only' notice). A few old enamel adverts have been put on display, along with nice floral arrangements and some plain mirrors. Stairs next to the bar lead up to a first floor dining room, but the kitchen had just closed when we arrived, so we didn't venture up to take a look.
Three hand pumps were facing the door as we entered and these were dispensing Fullers London Pride, Oliver's Island and Gales Seafarers. I also noted three more pumps further round the bar, which I initially assumed were serving the same three beers, but turned out to have guest ales, which I then failed to note. I had a pint of the Oliver's Island which was kept reasonably well and served to me by a nice, personable barman.
I thought this well positioned Fullers pub would be a smart or grand affair, but I found it rather disappointing and devoid of almost any character. The place has the location and potential to become an essential port of call when visiting Reigate, but I struggled to warm to the place in its current format and despite the prospect of a decent guest ale, I would probably look elsewhere the next time I'm in town.

On 26th May 2016 - rating: 5
[User has posted 3306 recommendations about 3306 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Strongers . left this review about The Market Stores

The Market Stores is a Fuller’s pub that was the busiest I visited on a recent Monday evening crawl of the area. The interior is open plan with a raised seating to the right of the entrance. The bar is stocked with premium draught products and I counted six hand pumps. One of these was unused leaving London Pride, Chiswick, Wild River, Pilgrim Brewery’s Autumnal and Adnams’ Broadside as the ale options. There is a flight of stairs that leads to an upstairs dining area and roof terrace that I did not visit on this occasion. Food is available daily with the traditional pub mains priced between £8 and £10.

There was some background music playing during my visit and I noted that there was no obvious sign of any television/live sport. I did however see an advertisement for the Tuesday evening quiz that starts at 20:00.

This is a decent enough pub that I would have no problem returning to for another couple of pints.

On 26th September 2014 - rating: 7
[User has posted 5802 recommendations about 5768 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Just a quick pint, then I'm off left this review about The Market Hotel

Nice old building with raised seating areas each side of the door and a balcony, but that used to be about it on the plus side. However, following the Fullers takeover, things are definitely on the up in terms of management and staff. Two banks of three handpumps, offering Seafarers, ESB and Pride (£3.50). Still quite some way to go to make this a destination pub, but it is certainly now worth the walk through the interesting old tunnel underneath the castle if one is passing through on the railway.

On 17th June 2012 - rating: 7
[User has posted 8537 recommendations about 8537 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Nick Davies left this review about The Market Hotel

Has acquired a dreadful reputation over recent years but now reportedly bought by Fullers. Hopefully things will improve soon.

On 5th February 2012 - no rating submitted
[User has posted 578 recommendations about 570 pubs]