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Pubs Galore Crawl Autumn/Winter 2024 with sheffield hatter on the Pub Forum

Thornely Arms, Barnsley

High Street
Postal town: Barnsley
S75 3RG

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Reviews (Current Rating Average: 5 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

E TA left this review about Thornely Arms

An unpretentious, basic town local.  There is a minimal amount of parking at the front, and there is a small garden at the back.  There are two plastic double-glazed porches at the front leading to a single conjoined bar which is carpeted and has a juke box which seems to have avoided any updates since 1975.  There is also a dart board at one end.  At the rear is a small games room with a pool table.  The landlord and -lady were welcoming enough, but the locals weren’t the liveliest crowd; presumably they too had not moved on from 1975. Ales on were Doombar, Ringwood Razorback and Camerons Strongarm, all in OK condition but far too heavily gassed.  It’s OK, if unexciting. 

On 24th March 2020 - rating: 5
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