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The Milton Arms, Barnsley
Postal town: Barnsley
S74 8ES
Reviews (Current Rating Average: 7 of 10) see review guidelines
Please Note: This review is over a year old.
Real Ale Ray left this review about The Milton Arms
The layout here consists of a front snug on the left of entrance, the main bar area was positioned on the left hand side at the rear of the pub and a dining area on the right hand side separated with a low screen between the bench seating. There was also a back patio area with decking and two upstairs rooms, accessible by the central staircase. The décor was mainly dark woodwork and deep purple painted walls, the bar area was finished in pale oak with plenty of good lighting. This is a True North Brew Co Pub, so they usually feature one or two of their cask ales. The lineup on our visit was True North Polaris, Acorn Barnsley Bitter and Stancill Jaxon. We went for the Stancill Jaxon, which was an excellent beer, served by a friendly and chatty barman.
On 5th May 2019
- rating: 7
[User has posted 3561 recommendations about 3561 pubs]
Please Note: This review is over a year old.
Old Boots left this review about The Milton Arms
Food led with decor and scent to match, there are two pulls one with a decent Old Mill 3 Rivers, the other spare. Nice-ish arts & crafts decor surviving in places otherwise pretty much up to date for the 1980s.
On 28th July 2014
- no rating submitted
[User has posted 3483 recommendations about 3166 pubs]