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The King Arthur, Glastonbury
Reviews (Current Rating Average: 7 of 10) see review guidelines
Please Note: This review is over a year old.
E TA left this review about The King Arthur
A Victorian back-street boozer and a very friendly local for the man drinking, the drinking man who enjoys ale and cider or who just necks Kaliber. It capitalises a little bit on the Arthurian theme surrounding the town, but it’s unspoilt by the tourism. It has been knocked through to have a long bar which slopes from back to front. At the back is a comfy seating area with a piano, at the front is a proper bar with bar stools, a round table and other seating. They host regular live music and open mic knights. There is a large TV screen which was turned off, while the jukebox was playing a fairly interesting assortment of music including reggae versions of Pink Floyd classics which, bizarrely, worked quite well. Six boxed ciders were behind the bar plus an Orchard Pig on draft. This was complemented by three ales, two from Hoff, including the pub’s house beer, plus Harding’s Somerset Best Bitter. The ales were in superb condition. An excellent afternoon in a pub to which I’d like to come a lot more often, especially in Summer linking it with other nearby pubs. It’s on the 2019 Somerset Ale Grail.
On 14th September 2019
- rating: 8
[User has posted 3471 recommendations about 3435 pubs]
Please Note: This review is over a year old.
Cider Drinker left this review about The King Arthur
Nice warm friendly pub. Quite modern decor, sofas at the back. Seperate room for live music. Good selection of draft and real ciders, nice selection of local ales. Food on offer pizzas etc. Nice background music, not too loud. I would definitely recommend.
On 22nd September 2018
- rating: 9
[User has posted 19 recommendations about 19 pubs]
Please Note: This review is over a year old.
Ian Mapp left this review about The King Arthur
Maybe I picked the wrong day to go (Saturday night) but all but one of the real ales pubs were turned the other way around. Made me think that its not the best to go for the one remaining.
They also had Korev Cornish Lager - which I am rather partial to. So gave that a go.
Mixed crowd.
On 17th February 2015
- rating: 4
[User has posted 1519 recommendations about 1500 pubs]