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Oh dear, self promotion FAIL with Tris39 on the Pub Forum

The Cow & Creek, Oxford

12 New Road

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Pub Type

Town Centre Pub (Marstons)

Reviews (Current Rating Average: of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Komakino . left this review about Cow & Creek

The Cow & Creek is a new name for a semi-Wetherspoons venture fortunately without the usual Wetherspoons clientele, but unfortunately without the beer policy either. The back of the barmaid's polo shirt said "Beer is in our Blood", but Brakspear Oxford Gold and a very poor Wychwood Hobgoblin don't really stand testament to that notion. Much the same as Quinno's visit two years back, this is another Oxford entry to give a miss to.

On 7th November 2016 - no rating submitted
[User has posted 1077 recommendations about 1077 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Quinno _ left this review about The Bell & Compass

Looks like a down market JDW from the outside. A fairly gloomy non-descript main bar that needs a lick of ceiling paint. Nicer rear raised area that has a skylight and some fabric banquette seating. Two Marstons list ales, Hobgoblin and Cumberland (cold, so-so). Mute TV showing a terrestrial channel to an audience of zero. Bland R&B music of the Yamaha preset drum loop variety. Pub grub listed on sticky menus. WiFi wouldn't connect. It exists, but why you'd choose it over other outlets in town would be a mystery outside of the weird world of pub ticking.

On 26th May 2014 - rating: 4
[User has posted 5509 recommendations about 5490 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Peter Rydings left this review about The Bell & Compass

It was nice and clean some sort of chain pub very hot so had a pint of lager its a pub you will call in not walk past

On 18th July 2013 - rating: 7
[User has posted 948 recommendations about 917 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Graham Smith left this review about The Bell & Compass

Popped in here during a recent pub crawl but no real ale available, just a bank of keg fonts. I remember it as the Westgate a quarter of a century ago when you could get the magnificant Morrells College Ale (7.3%) brewed just down the road. Turned around and left without a drink and a slightly watery eye.

On 27th November 2012 - no rating submitted
[User has posted 47 recommendations about 44 pubs]