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Six Bells, Kidlington
Reviews (Current Rating Average: 6 of 10) see review guidelines
Please Note: This review is over a year old.
Komakino . left this review about Six Bells
Like the nearby King Arms, this is a decent alternative to the pubs on Kidlington's main thoroughfare. A rough L-shape internally with the bar centre-right, this has a fireplace and seating to the left with round tables and squat stools in front of the bar. The room extends behind the bar with bar stool seating and opens into a square room with more tables. An open door then leads into a high-vaulted, tiled floor extended area which itself leads onto a sheltered beer patio then beer garden. There's also a barn-type function room which houses a pool table. The internal walls are exposed stone throughout. This was busy with locals watching an Oxford United match on TV, but were all a good-natured butch. Sharp's Doom Bar was complemented by the rarely-seen (in these parts) Flying Monk Elmers which was in superb shape.
On 2nd April 2017
- rating: 6
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