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Breakspear Arms, Harefield, Uxbridge

Breakspear Road South
Phone: 01895632239

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Reviews (Current Rating Average: 3 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

E TA left this review about Breakspear Arms

A large 1970s carbuncle built on the site of a former pub of the same name first licensed in 1869. The current monstrosity has a large car park, many of whose bays are reserved for disabled badge holders. There is an unattractive garden with the standard wooden furniture that Ikea would look laugh at. Inside the irregular shaped building is a single irregular shaped bar that has the look and feel of an airport lounge and the smell of a Turkish street market caused by the over-cooked, under-ventilated North Indian cuisine which competes with a more traditional English carvery for floor-space. There is a pool table and a selection of gaming machines. A Greene King pub, it is currently tenanted by an Indian family, hence the menu, and is popular with both Indian and English customers, though English was the only language spoken during our visit. Three handpumps were dispensing GK IPA, Golden Glory and Old Speckled Hen, all in rather poor condition and badly kept, not to mention drastically over-priced. Not a proper pub experience, definitely not a decent curry house, so I don't think I'll be back.

On 21st February 2017 - rating: 5
[User has posted 3456 recommendations about 3420 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

john mcgraw left this review about Breakspear Arms

A pub that lacks any atmosphere.Inside is very dark and uninteresting and the beer garden was strewn with rubbish and dog ends.Two GK beers on tap.Not a very inviting pub.

On 19th May 2010 - rating: 1
[User has posted 2044 recommendations about 2025 pubs]