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Oh dear, self promotion FAIL with Tris39 on the Pub Forum

Kings Arms, Twickenham

40 Albion Road

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Reviews (Current Rating Average: of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Just a quick pint, then I'm off left this review about The Kings Arms Sports Bar

Unremarkable backstreet pub, with a transitional feel (but you can't tell from a single visit whether it is on the way up or the way down). The two former bars have been opened out to form quite a large 'L'-shaped room. A few wooden benches out the front. A bit of a sports theme (with 'Cricket players wanted' posters on the main doors). Four handpumps - but only two in use - offering Pride and GK IPA (£3.00).

On 16th April 2011 - rating: 6
[User has posted 8518 recommendations about 8518 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Alan Winfield left this review about The Kings Arms Sports Bar

When i visited this pub it was a proper back street corner pub.
There were a couple of rooms inside i went in a fairly comfortable room and there were three real ales on the bar i had a drink of London pride and this was a fairly decent drink i car'nt remember what the other two beers were.

Pub visited 13/12/2003

On 13th December 2003 - rating: 7
[User has posted 6113 recommendations about 6113 pubs]