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Beer of the Week (w/e 15th September 2024) with Spinko on the Pub Forum

Wibbas Down Inn (JD Wetherspoon), Wimbledon, SW19

Gladstone Road
SW19 1QT
Phone: 02085406788

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J D Wetherspoon
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Reviews (Current Rating Average: 6 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Ian Mapp left this review about Wibbas Down Inn (JD Wetherspoon)

Good beer guide 2024 entry. Typical Spoons and a former tesco, which explains its two bar depth - with an entrance on two roads.

Everything you would expect - table service, keen prices (£2.74 for an excellent London Pride a bargain), standard menu, packed with the all of society from pensioners to kids, to wallopers who had come in for a change to howling at the moon outside.

On 22nd April 2024 - rating: 6
[User has posted 1430 recommendations about 1413 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Delboy 20 left this review about Wibbas Down Inn (JD Wetherspoon)

Decent Spoon's with a good selection of guests on. There were at least 6 when I called with a couple from Sambrook's, Old Dairy Bluetop IPA, Otter Bright and Tillingbourne Dormouse. I had the latter which was fine. Worth a visit.

On 15th June 2022 - no rating submitted
[User has posted 1719 recommendations about 1610 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Graham Coombs left this review about Wibbas Down Inn (JD Wetherspoon)

A reasonably adequate Wetherspoons in a Z-shape between two frontages, which breaks up the layout nicely. It is furnished in the old library style, with a green colour scheme. There are two sets of handpumps in different areas which tend to carry different beers, but they helpfully list the others too and there are usually some good and well-kept guests alongside the usual suspects.

On 30th October 2019 - rating: 7
[User has posted 3405 recommendations about 3341 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

john gray left this review about Wibbas Down Inn (JD Wetherspoon)

Massive and quite likable pub.Only stillaged beers from the fest on and they were dire.I have used and probably abused this pub a few times and usually the beer is in good nick so just an anomaly tonight.

On 21st March 2015 - rating: 6
[User has posted 1023 recommendations about 1009 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Aqualung . left this review about Wibbas Down Inn (JD Wetherspoon)

As you enter this place from Gladstone Road it doesn't seem that different to any other Spoons shop conversion until you realise that one side of the bar across the room as you enter is at the end of another huge area that leads to the other entrance in Russell Road where there is a second bar.

Of the 18 pumps I counted 9 festival ales plus remember seeing a Dark Star Original and Dorking Red Ale. This was only on day 2 of the festival, so presumably later there will be even more of them on.
The whole place seemed well run, and busy for a mid afternoon. I tried seven of the festival ales, all were in good condition and were priced at £2.49. This is up to 50p a pint more than other Spoons are charging, the most common price being £2.15 or £2.29, however it's probably worth it just to get the huge selection.

I've been to quite a few GBG listed Spoons that this place puts to shame. I would definitely return.

On 20th October 2013 - rating: 8
[User has posted 2143 recommendations about 2143 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

hondo . left this review about Wibbas Down Inn (JD Wetherspoon)

Very Large 2 bar 2 entrance wetherspoons. The entrance i used was opposite the new wimbledon theatre.

On 13th March 2012 - no rating submitted
[User has posted 2894 recommendations about 2831 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Roger Button left this review about Wibbas Down Inn (JD Wetherspoon)

A deceptively large Wetherspoons named after the ancient name for Wimbledon with entrances in 2 streets and almost a bus journey between them. For the most part it is a pretty formulaic ‘Spoons although with 18 hand pumps the capacity for ales is well above the norm. I may have been spoilt on my visit as there was a LocAle Festival going on doubled with a “meet the brewer” session so the extraordinary number of ales available may have been somewhat inflated from the normal stock.

There are separate bars at both ends of the pub but with a couple of sharp turns you cannot see all the way through to the other end. The central area is a bit on the dark and claustrophobic side thanks to the low ceilings and lack of natural light.

Even when it is at its busiest it would be hard not to find a table such is the size of the place and, taking advantage of the curry club, I was surprised that the food arrived so quickly given that it was presumably busier than normal due to the festival events.

I didn’t encounter any of the usual unsavoury clientele (that is not to say it doesn’t attract any) and, as ‘Spoons go it was certainly above average although I would like to see what is on offer on a nomal day.

On 16th September 2010 - rating: 7
[User has posted 1239 recommendations about 1233 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Rex Rattus left this review about Wibbas Down Inn (JD Wetherspoon)

This is just about the most strangely shaped pub I have known – a bit like a couple of dog legs bolted together. Anyway, there is little I need to add to Maldenman’s review, except to say that on one of the corners between two of this pub’s drinking areas there is a ceiling high metallic tree-like entity – possibly modelled on the Ent called Treebeard. Its other claim to fame is that it is where I quaffed my favourite ale of the recent beer festival, the most excellent Moorhouse Ambler Rambler.

On 29th April 2010 - rating: 6
[User has posted 2606 recommendations about 2520 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Malden man left this review about Wibbas Down Inn (JD Wetherspoon)

A large Wetherspoons in a former Tesco I believe, which can be entered from either end off different streets. The interior dog-legs around the two seperate bars. Lots of wood panelling, mixed seating types. Eighteen handpumps in three banks, two on one bar with the other on the front (Broadway end) bar. This can however cause logistical complications if the round you are buying includes beers from the different bars! There were 16 festival ales on last Tuesday night, with a couple changing over, none of that "Coming Soon" nonsence. It was good to see the new beers being properly pulled through on changing.
Much improved from my earlier visits I would say.

On 25th April 2010 - rating: 6
[User has posted 1708 recommendations about 1681 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Chris 87 left this review about Wibbas Down Inn (JD Wetherspoon)

Standard JDW joint - big, spacious, entertaining some 'characters' and cheap ale. Not much to say about this really, had a pint of Sharp's Nadelik which was adequate, although it took ages to get served on New Years Day with one member of staff behind the massive bar. Not very smart if you ask me, or other disgruntled punters.

On 3rd January 2010 - rating: 4
[User has posted 179 recommendations about 179 pubs]

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