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Ye Grapes, W1

16 Shepherd Market

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Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Steve of N21 left this review about Ye Grapes

Have had the opportunity to utilise this one on a couple of occasions in the last two months, firstly when it was another of the Shepherd Market four pubs that was absolutely heaving both inside and outside on my early evening arrival on the Thursday of the last working week before Christmas. Like the other pubs in the market they have to contain external drinking to inside a smallish roped off area around the pub sides and as this was attracting most of the clientele it was actually more comfortable to stand inside up the bar than it was to join the mass of humanity inside the outdoor cordon.
Haven’t been to this one for a couple of years and must have missed its short spell under GK ownership as it wasn’t when I was last in and it isn’t now, being owned by a small pubco called Shannon Pubs who own four gastro pubs in the central London postcodes.
I am guessing they primarily bought it and run it for the Thai restaurant section that operates upstairs, but the downstairs pub section is unchanged from the reviews below and the animal taxidermy I remember from my previous visit is still in situ at the far end of the bar.
On both our recent visits four ales have been available from five of the six handpumps with the house beers of Pride and Doombar available. On the first occasion these were supplemented by St Austel Tribute and last week by Watneys Pale Ale, which I still can’t overcome historical hang ups to drink. Fortunately, on both occasions, a very well kept Dark Star Hop Head was also on. If our recent experiences are anything to go by the guvnor keeps the ales in good condition here and it probably qualifies as one of the better establishments of the quartet of Shepherd Market hostelries.

On 27th January 2020 - rating: 6
[User has posted 2231 recommendations about 2095 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Just a quick pint, then I'm off left this review about Ye Grapes

Interesting-looking pub on the corner of Shepherd Market that is sadly rather dull inside. The large number of small glass panes in each window presents a slightly austere exterior; an impression which is reinforced on entering due to the high ceilings and relatively sparse decor. However, some of the furniture in the small seating areas around the 'L'-shaped bar has been refurbished with red leather. There is also a Thai restaurant upstairs. Not been in for about four years, but it is now a Greene King pub so it was no surprise to find Greene King IPA, Old Speckled Hen and the seasonal Scrum Down (£4.90) available from three of the six handpumps on this visit.

On 24th March 2019 - rating: 6
[User has posted 8552 recommendations about 8552 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Bucking Fastard left this review about Ye Grapes

A revisit after many years,and horrified to see the interior ruined by an open plan conversion.It's just a large room ,with a strange back section down a corridor.There is a raised section near the bar,but over use of whitewash has further stripped the interior of character.Yet another Greene King tied pub with 6 handpumps serving GK IPA,Abbott,Ruddles Country,Old Speckled Hen,Scrum Down and a solitary guest in London Pride (acceptable).
A flatscreen with Heart FM logo and muzak,the only point of interest I could make out was the full height leaded windows,and a random selection of animal artifacts.
Ruined by a pubco,no need to revisit.

On 8th March 2019 - rating: 5
[User has posted 2898 recommendations about 2898 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Tris C left this review about Ye Grapes

Much as described as below, a first in here the other day.
This is quite a traditional pub in Mayfair’s Shepherd Market, an area which despite its location was apparently quite a dodgy area and by at least the ‘80s. It isn’t dodgy now, but there were some rum characters walking about.
Quite dark inside, the interior is as you’d expect, with an L-shaped bar with snug to the rear and slightly raised area to the front with lots of red leather(ette?) upholstery. Music played on one TV and motor racing played on two others. Drinkers were mainly down to earth local blokes, but from where I know not; certainly not a pub for suits. There’s some décor, mainly a few old prints and some taxidermy; I sat below a large stuffed pike. For once, I was very grateful for the air-conditioning on a sweltering day.
The bar is also traditional but the ales on were just London Pride (dull and £4.80 a pint), Oliver’s Island (bland) and Doom Bar (awful).
This is an average pub which slips due to the poor ale selection and although we didn’t visit any other pubs round here, I don’t envisage a return visit given the ale line-up.

On 9th July 2018 - rating: 4
[User has posted 2182 recommendations about 2141 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Real Ale Ray left this review about Ye Grapes

An ok pub this one with a good friendly atmosphere and a decent beer choice along the bank of 5 bright red handpumps across the front of the bar. Most probably there to match the red leather seating along the front. The pub also has a good reputation for their Thai food. I went for the Shepherd Neame Pale Ale which was in top form.

On 12th February 2015 - rating: 7
[User has posted 3561 recommendations about 3561 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Rex Rattus left this review about Ye Grapes

The exterior of this pub is so interesting that one is almost obliged to enter - only to be disappointed. It should be so much better inside than it is. A pub can be a bit tatty yet retain a lot of character; but this isn't one of them. Top of the range prices too - I had a pint of "Piss in the Cold" (I think) - even if I'm not 100% sure what the beer was called I do remember that it cost me £3.30 a pint. There are better pubs in the Mayfair area.

On 24th December 2007 - rating: 4
[User has posted 2606 recommendations about 2520 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Strongers . left this review about Ye Grapes

This looks like a good traditional boozer from the outside and the inside doesn’t disappoint so I was a little surprised that when I left I felt like I had just walked out of a Litten Tree chain pub. This was all down to the surly staff and aggressive manager and the fact that every time I went to the bar for the same two drinks I was charged a varying amount.

There are a couple of screens for watching sport and I was going to return later in the day to watch the evening rugby game, but I decided to go elsewhere.

On 1st October 2007 - rating: 4
[User has posted 5821 recommendations about 5787 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Philip Carter left this review about Ye Grapes

6 Taps for real ale, price a bit steep, £2.90 for Adnams. Lots of stuffed animals around the walls. Upstairs bar is no smoking. Not a bad place, if you can find it.

On 13th January 2007 - rating: 6
[User has posted 758 recommendations about 720 pubs]