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Beer of the Week (w/e 15th September 2024) with Spinko on the Pub Forum

The Sun Tavern, Covent Garden, WC2

66 Long Acre
Phone: 02078364520

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Reviews (Current Rating Average: 5 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Tris C left this review about The Sun Tavern

This pub was established in 1737, with the current façade dating from 1897 and grade II-listed; it’s also owned by Morton-Scott, which sounds like a firm of undertakers.
The interior is best viewed on the pub’s website, but what’s of note are the very fine etched mirror panels to the right side and fine ceiling cornice. Otherwise, it’s a rather modernised affair, a new floor, a modern glazed white tiled bar back, with a whiff of Art Deco for some reason, the net effect being like drinking in a gentlemen’s club. Furniture is tall, often stools to drinking ledges, which is hardly conducive to having a good time.
There were two unused pumps, then just the ultimate disappointment that is Doom, clip reversed. I opted for a keg half of Brixton’s Reliance Pale Ale (£3.20), which was freezing cold and tasteless.
This may have a pretty interior, but the lack of real ale, at least not one any discerning ale enthusiast would want to drink, is a disincentive to making a return visit.

On 26th November 2021 - rating: 5
[User has posted 2095 recommendations about 2061 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Just a quick pint, then I'm off left this review about The Sun Tavern

Not to be confused with the nearby pub on Drury Lane with almost the same name (minus the "Tavern"), this one has a narrow frontage and rectangular bar which doesn't have much room for seating. However, there is also an upstairs bar and restaurant... However, lighter than you might expect inside due to the ceiling height allowing a tall front window, the mirrors opposite the counter and the glazed side entrance. Two of three handpumps in use on this visit, offering Adnams Ghost Ship (£4.50) and Theakston's Old Peculier.

On 28th October 2018 - rating: 6
[User has posted 8339 recommendations about 8338 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

custodian 42 left this review about The Sun Tavern

Two real ales not above 4.5% ABV. Cider expensive @ £2.75 a half. Very quiet and there were notices apologising for the stickiness of the table tops which they were addressing.

On 1st February 2017 - rating: 5
[User has posted 1693 recommendations about 1691 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

hondo . left this review about The Sun Tavern

Quite a dark interior with a mixture of an old building and a modern bar interior. 3 real ales and continentaL keg.

On 9th October 2015 - no rating submitted
[User has posted 2894 recommendations about 2831 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Roger Button left this review about The Sun Tavern

It should be mentioned that there are two Sun’s in the vicinity, this one (the Sun Tavern) in Long Acre and another (minus the Tavern suffix) 200 yards away in Drury Lane.

The Sun Tavern is quite an enticing pub with a traditional frontage containing a large arched window and twin doorways. The interior has been knocked into a single room that could be a bit shoeboxlike but the square angles are nicely softened by good use of curves from the shallow arc of the bar, the overhead arched light fittings and even the beer engines on the marble bar top. Large mirrors down one side make the place appear less cramped than it is and apart from a series of train carriage style seating down one side and a couple of tables at the front, it is mainly standing room only. The patterned ceilings and cornices hint at a former elegance.

A modern staircase at the rear leads to the upstairs bar which I did have a quick peek at and found it to be reasonably spacious and less overcrowded. It also has its own bar so you don’t need to continuously negotiate the staircase every time. Talking of stairs, care should be taken on the Journey to the Centre of the Earth trip to the loos if you any taller than 4’6”.

Beer wise, just 2 ales, Courage Directors and Thwaites Wainwright (doubled up on 2 pumps), the latter being very good but also pretty expensive at £3.60 although not a great surprise in this area. Food was quite reasonably priced with main courses around £7-9 plus some good value snacks under a fiver.

There is a flat screen TV showing Sky Sports and piped music that wasn’t too intrusive and overall the atmosphere was bubbly without being boisterous.

It’s certainly not the best pub around and I have only used it sporadically but I do quite like the place and can’t help feel that if it were not located where it is in the heart of touristville, it would stand out a little bit more than it does. A bigger ale choice wouldn’t go amiss either.

On 9th September 2011 - rating: 6
[User has posted 1239 recommendations about 1233 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Rex Rattus left this review about The Sun Tavern

There were three ales on when I visited – Deuchars IPA, London Pride, and Adnam’s Bitter. I just had a half of the Pride, and at £1.80 (£3.60 a pint?) it seemed somewhat overpriced to me. An upstairs room with additional seating was advertised, but I didn’t visit it. There are still one or two signs of its Victorian past – mainly the ceiling and cornices. But it’s not now the pub it obviously once was. It’s got a standard West End issue bare-boarded floor; dark plastic covered banquettes, some small round tables and normal chairs; three high tables and high stools. One of the ledges under the large mirror on the left has a rack containing leaflets for tourists, and the wall above the banquettes on the right is covered entirely by mirrors. There’s quite an attractive painting (a print thereof presumably) of a Venice canal scene above the serving lift, but otherwise there’s not much going for it and there are better places to buy a much cheaper, and better, pint.

On 20th March 2010 - rating: 4
[User has posted 2606 recommendations about 2520 pubs]