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Poll for "Southern " PuG crawl venue Spring 2025 with Spinko on the Pub Forum

The New Inn, Buckingham

18 Bridge Street
MK18 1AF

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Pub Type

Greene King

Reviews (Current Rating Average: 3 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Komakino . left this review about The New Inn

Just on the edge of the town centre, this tall building has a staple shaped single bare-boarded room with the bar facing two entrances and with fireplaces at either end (a separate dining area is up a couple of steps to the bar's right). A dartboard and some leather armchair/bucket seats to the left, more traditional seating to the right, with some bar stools occupied by locals on a Sunday lunchtime. Monaco GP showing on a wall-mounted flatscreen TV in the bottom right-hand corner of the room. A bit of a wait for service (no barmaid for at least 5 minutes, and no reason proffered by the locals) saw a fair pint of Sharp's Doom Bar served for £3.30 (the other option was GK IPA). Small beer patio down stairs out back along with the Gents and they seem to host a Quiz Night along with Live Music as well as offering Sunday roasts. Despite all this though, it's still not really worth the walk from the town centre.

On 30th May 2017 - rating: 3
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