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Venue for Spring 2025 PuG crawl. with Bucking Fastard on the Pub Forum

Kings Arms Hotel, Carnforth

7 Market Street
Kirkby Lonsdale
Postal town: Carnforth

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Reviews (Current Rating Average: 5 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Brainy Pool left this review about Kings Arms Hotel

Good looking old pub from outside, inside is a single modernised room though cosy enough with a lovely warm fireplace. Possibly another room upstairs. It seems to jump around between management a lot and they can’t decide whether to make it a locals pub or a restaurant. On my afternoon visit I was the only customer listening to very very loud pop music, the landlady was very friendly but it seemed a bit lacking direction. Two real ales on, Lancaster Blonde (fine) and TT Landlord.

On 29th March 2024 - rating: 5
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