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Sheldons, Margate

129 High Street
Phone: 01843223578

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Reviews (Current Rating Average: 7 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Just a quick pint, then I'm off left this review about Sheldons

Basic town-centre boozer at the top end of the High Street, with the irregularly shaped interior given a plain, light refreshment at some stage. Multiple screens of different sizes are the main features, but there is also a pool table. Also has a few wooden pavement benches at the front. Just London Pride (£3.80, end-of-barrel murky but drinkable) available from the trio of handpumps.

On 30th December 2021 - rating: 6
[User has posted 8552 recommendations about 8552 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

david bryant left this review about Sheldons

Good all round pub. Large screens for sports. Pool table. OK beer good range of lagers, food. Worth a visit

On 5th June 2007 - rating: 8
[User has posted 15 recommendations about 15 pubs]