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The Horns, Knebworth
Postal town: Knebworth
Reviews (Current Rating Average: 7 of 10) see review guidelines
Please Note: This review is over a year old.
Bucking Fastard left this review about The Horns
Externally this is a very attractive pub ,clearly old with lots of character.There is a patio with many wooden tables and chairs and views across the small green.Internally there is a charming small snug to the left of the front door while to the right two sections with the rear looking like a dining area.All very traditional with fireplaces and a bar serving both areas.
The focus here is mainly on food,with a pub grub style menu and not at all expensive.However many people just pop in to drink and food service doesn't dominate.My only gripe was on a quiet Monday evening,the muzak was really too loud which wasn't needed.
There are 4 handpumps serving on my trip ubiquitous Doom Bar,London Pride and thankfully Oakham White Dwarf in OK condition.
The overall package here falls a little short of the fine exterior but it's perfectly viable in this country location.
On 5th September 2018
- rating: 7
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