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Reviewing milestone with Mobyduck on the Pub Forum

Old Oyster House, Southsea

291 Locksway Road
Postal town: Southsea

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Reviews (Current Rating Average: 6 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

E TA left this review about Ye Old Oyster House

A grand 1930s building on the site of a previous pub of the same name, now a half-decent local. There are garden areas at the side and front, though these have been unattractively concreted over and turned into parking and terrace areas, not really in keeping with the grandeur of the house. There is a small bar at the back mainly used as a dining room, and a much larger bar at the front with parquet flooring, high ceilings and a badly presented, yet welcoming, open fire in the chimney breast at one end. There are gaming machines, pool table, a dart board and TV screens. A shelf above the dart board houses a collection of sports trophies. There is also a jukebox, but this was thankfully mute. The L-shaped bar counter at the bar's apex makes good use of the space, giving an airy feel. Three ales on, all from Irving, all in decent condition, especially the Frigate which was very good indeed. A good local atmosphere pervades, and they host quiz nights, happy hours and karaoke. It's a bit wasted on its current clientele who don't seem to appreciate the gen they have. Some bloke called 'Adam' actually rode his bicycle into the bar while we were there and left if propped up in the bar, which a few people actually thought was amusing. It's fine as a local, and I'd be very happy to come back for the beer, but I couldn't help feeling it could be so much better.

On 20th March 2018 - rating: 6
[User has posted 3377 recommendations about 3342 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Kate Elliott left this review about Ye Old Oyster House

2003: Now this has *good* beer. Doesn't have much else to commend it - but it's a pub ... and pubs sell beer. Good pubs sell good beer so I guess case proved. It's a good pub.

On 15th June 2004 - rating: 6
[User has posted 27 recommendations about 27 pubs]