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The Chequers, Battle
TN33 0AT
Reviews (Current Rating Average: 6 of 10) see review guidelines
Please Note: This review is over a year old.
Just a quick pint, then I'm off left this review about The Chequers
17th-century inn, backing onto the historic battlefield site; opened out at some stage to leave a staple-shaped layout of seating (and mostly) dining areas, all refurbished in a semi-traditional style. I got in early on a Sunday lunchtime, and just as well since even the general and lounge tables nearest the bar were being laid up with cutlery. With just two of the five handpumps in use, I found the inevitable Harvey's (£4.50) and Adnams Ghost Ship available.
On 9th February 2022
- rating: 6
[User has posted 8552 recommendations about 8552 pubs]
Please Note: This review is over a year old.
Strongers . left this review about The Chequers
I was reliably informed by some people in the know that the Chequers had undergone a recent refurbishment and change of management. It would seem that the interior designer decided upon a distressed lived in look so the recent refurb was lost on me. It was fairly busy during my recent week night visit, but I managed to find a table that nobody else was sitting at. It soon became clear why nobody was sitting at it because it was a rickety old chess table that I think was more for decoration than functionality. I spotted no television, but there was some low background music playing. At the rear of the pub are another couple of rooms with seating that are separate from the bar. I suppose these can be reserved when the need arises.
The bar was stocked with standard draught products alongside Birra Moretti and two of the five hand pumps were unused leaving Harvey’s best, Long Man Brewery’s Long Blonde and Adnam’s Ghost Ship as the cask ale options. An evening food menu was in operation during my visit with the classic pub mains priced between £11 and £20. I did see some very tasty looking food emerge from the kitchen. Children are welcome so I would imagine that there is a menu to suit.
Out the back is a covered seating area with what looked like an old archery target on the wall. There is a large car park and some iron patio furniture that has been painted in pastel colours.
I’m not a massive fan of these types of pubs, but I received a friendly welcome and enjoyed the beer. I would pop back in if passing through.
On 25th August 2015
- rating: 6
[User has posted 5814 recommendations about 5780 pubs]
Please Note: This review is over a year old.
Manky Badger left this review about The Chequers
Two years ago this was *the* pub to go to in Battle. It's still head and shoulders above the competition, the food is excellent, but the ale selection isn't what it once was...
On 16th January 2011
- rating: 6
[User has posted 155 recommendations about 154 pubs]