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Smokie's, Kendal

Pub added by peter ashworth
Yard 2, Stricklandgate

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7th Jun 2012, 15:56
Picture submitted by peter ashworth approvedmore
7th Jun 2012, 15:56
Request to add pub to area Kendal Central by ROB Camra approved
28th May 2012, 20:11
Picture submitted by peter ashworthmore
28th May 2012, 15:57
Request to add pub to area Kendal Central by ROB Camra
27th May 2012, 23:13
This pub suggested by peter ashworth approved
27th May 2012, 23:13
Pub map correction submitted by peter ashworth approved
27th May 2012, 23:13
Pub map correction submitted by peter ashworth
27th May 2012, 14:31
This pub suggested by peter ashworth