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Pub annoyances #834 with Tris39 on the Pub Forum

Lords, Gainsborough

35 Lord Street
DN21 2DD

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15th Jul 2021, 08:59
Picture submitted by Just a quick pint, then I'm off approvedmore
14th Jul 2021, 21:07
Picture submitted by Just a quick pint, then I'm offmore
10th Aug 2020, 08:02
Picture submitted by S Armstrong approvedmore
10th Aug 2020, 07:49
Picture submitted by S Armstrongmore
2nd Sep 2015, 10:06
Request to mark pub as closed by ROB Camra approved
2nd Sep 2015, 10:06
Request to mark pub as closed submitted by ROB Camra, with included notes: Other: Furniture removed, future uncertain.
2nd Sep 2015, 10:06
Request to mark pub as open by ROB Camra approved
2nd Sep 2015, 10:06
Request to mark pub as open submitted by ROB Camra
21st Jun 2015, 13:21
Request to mark pub as closed by ROB Camra approved
21st Jun 2015, 13:21
Request to mark pub as closed submitted by ROB Camra, with included notes: Temporary: Being refurbished
20th Jun 2015, 23:07
Picture submitted by Will Larter approvedmore
20th Jun 2015, 23:03
Picture submitted by Will Lartermore
20th Jun 2015, 23:01
Request to mark pub as open by Will Larter approved
20th Jun 2015, 23:01
Request to mark pub as open submitted by Will Larter
2nd Dec 2014, 15:07
Request to mark pub as closed by ROB Camra approved
2nd Dec 2014, 15:07
Request to mark pub as closed submitted by ROB Camra, with included notes: Other: Up for rent £1250 pcm.
13th Mar 2013, 15:00
Review submitted by Harry Verchimore
18th Jan 2013, 22:47
Picture submitted by peter ashworth approvedmore
18th Jan 2013, 13:17
Picture submitted by peter ashworthmore
18th Apr 2011, 14:49
Request to add pub to area Gainsborough Town by Alan Winfield approved
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