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Beer of the Week (w/e 19th January 2025) with Tris39
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New Yeadon pub reviews
The 12th Man (Yeadon Cricket Club) Reviewed by Old Boots on 18 June 2023 |
A cricket club but open to the public, it’s located behind the White Swan. Typical sort of sports club house with the front giving a view across the pitch. Cricketing decor of course. Very pleasant, just the two pulls with changing beers, Rat and Bla... [more>] |
The Clothiers Arms (JD Wetherspoon) Reviewed by Rob Hunter on 29 December 2019 |
Two banks of five pumps at the bar with two of the guests duplicated. Guest ales £1.99 a pint (£1 for a half). Kirkstall, Acorn, Settle and Kelham Island were amongst the guests. I went for the North Pole Pale Ale by Settle which was decent. Ther... [more>] |