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New Welwyn Village pub reviews

The Tavern

The Tavern

Reviewed by Komakino . on 20 August 2018

Just down the road from the Wellington, this High Street pub has an L-shaped interior with carpeted floor and a pool table at the rear with small patio out back. Male-only clientele was centred around a Chelsea-Arsenal PL match and in various states ... [more>]

The White Horse

The White Horse

Reviewed by Clive Thompson on 21 June 2014

Good pub tucked away down a residential side road that has something for all ages and all tastes. A small bar at the front has different types of seating and a large old fireplace. Games papers and local mags available. Dedicated eating area at rear.... [more>]

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Pub has no picturesPub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Baron, The (11 Mill Lane, AL6 9EY)
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5.5 from 2 reviewer(s) Rose & Crown (14 Church Street, AL6 9LX)
Pub has no picturesPub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Stable Door (12 High Street, AL6 9EQ)
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 4 from 1 reviewer(s) Steamer (22 London Road, AL6 9DL)
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5 from 1 reviewer(s) Tavern, The (8 High Street, AL6 9EQ)
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6.5 from 2 reviewer(s) Wellington, The (1 High Street, AL6 9EE)
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 1 reviewer(s) White Hart, The (2 Prospect Place, AL6 9EN)
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 8 from 1 reviewer(s) White Horse, The (30 Mill Lane, AL6 9ET)