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New Flax Bourton pub reviews

Jubilee Inn

Jubilee Inn

Reviewed by Blackthorn _ on 05 January 2015

Since my last review, this pub has been closed for refurbishment (twice), taken over by Cardiff based Brains and changed it’s name back to The Jubilee Inn. This was a rare case of a brewery asking punters which name they wanted, and unsurprisingly th... [more>]

Jubilee Inn

Jubilee Inn

Reviewed by Blackthorn _ on 03 June 2010

On first impressions this pub seems to be called “Two for One”. That's certainly what the pub sign swinging in the car park says. On closer inspection of the pub itself, we find that it is indeed called the Dew Drop Inn. I'm always a little suspiciou... [more>]

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Pub has 7 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 1 reviewer(s)Pub is reported closed Jubilee Inn (Main Road, BS48 3QX)