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New Bankfoot pub reviews

The Red Lion

The Red Lion

Reviewed by Just a quick pint, then I'm off on 16 February 2019

Quite an attractive old pub on the A641 Manchester Road, retaining its twin-bar layout. Comfortable lounge with plain but tidy furniture in the various seating areas, and a more basic public bar with the dartboard, etc. Despite the two Tetley-clipp... [more>]

The Woodman

The Woodman

Reviewed by James Joines on 28 December 2009

A Traditional Family Local with Real Ales from Independents including Copper Dragon. Heated smoking area TV Large beer garden and childrens play area. Handy for Bradford Bulls matches.

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Pubs in Bankfoot

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Pub has 10 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5 from 1 reviewer(s) Red Lion, The (881 Manchester Road, BD5 8LT)
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Woodman, The (1062 Manchester Road, BD5 8NH)