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The Atherton Arms

The Atherton Arms

Reviewed by Strongers . on 04 March 2023

The Atherton Arms is a large flat roofed pub with a Sky Sports banner along one of the fences that face the front car park. The entrance leads to a corridor that runs up the left side of the pub. This has a couple of tables and is served by the left ... [more>]

The Cabinet

The Cabinet

Reviewed by ROB Camra on 05 December 2021

This is a very unusual place. It has a small frontage and when you enter you walk into a small bar with mainly dining tables and chairs. What you wouldn't expect is when you walk through the door opening to the right of the bar is a further room that... [more>]

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Pub has no picturesPub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Albion, The (189 Bag Lane, M46 0LH)
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has 5 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7.5 from 5 reviewer(s) Atherton Arms, The (6 Tyldesley Road, M46 9DD)
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Bay Horse (30 Bolton Old Road, M46 9DL)
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Blue Bell, The (Bolton Road, M46 9JZ)
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 1 reviewer(s) Cabinet, The (1 Church Street, M46 9DE)
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 4 from 1 reviewer(s) Carmen (54 - 56 Market Street, M46 0DP)
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 4 from 1 reviewer(s)Pub is reported closed Concert Inn (3 Bolton Road, M46 9JQ)
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 1 reviewer(s) Curiosity (86 Market Street, M46 0DP)
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 2.5 from 3 reviewer(s) Dew, The (25 Market Street, M46 0DW)
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Gardeners, The (4 Lovers Lane, M46 0PG)
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5.5 from 3 reviewer(s) Jolly Nailor, The (20 Market Street, M46 0DN)
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 2 reviewer(s) King George VI, The (136 Flapper Fold Lane, M46 0HA)
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5 from 1 reviewer(s)Pub is reported closed Lamp (15 Market Street, M46 0DW)
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5.5 from 3 reviewer(s) Letters Inn (2 Wigan Road, M46 0JQ)
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 1 reviewer(s) Lion, The (23-25 Bolton Road, M46 9JG)
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Mason Arms, The (245 Wigan Road, M46 0QA)
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 4 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 4 reviewer(s) Mechanics Rest at the Taphouse. (119 Market Street, M46 0DF)
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 1 reviewer(s) Mill, The (84 Market Street, M46 0DP)
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Morgans Bar (114 High Street, M46 9DR)
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Oak Tree Root (Leigh Road, M46 0PW)
Pub has 10 picture(s)Pub has 4 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7.5 from 4 reviewer(s) Pendle Witch, The (Warburton Place, M46 0EQ)
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 1 reviewer(s) Plaza (44 Market Street, M46 0DG)
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5.5 from 3 reviewer(s) Punch Bowl (165 Market Street, M46 0DF)
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 2 from 2 reviewer(s)Pub is reported closed Red Lion, The (7 Church Street, M46 9DE)
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 3.5 from 2 reviewer(s) Rope & Anchor (67 Bolton Old Road, M46 9DU)
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6.5 from 3 reviewer(s) Royal, The (69 Wigan Road, M46 0LW)
Pub has no picturesPub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Society (62 - 64 Market Street, M46 0DP)
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 1 reviewer(s)Pub is reported closed Spinners Arms, The (76 Bolton Road, M46 9JY)
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5.5 from 2 reviewer(s) Talbot, The (41 Wigan Road, M46 0GN)
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Tiki Bar (68 Market Street, M46 0DP)
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 4 from 3 reviewer(s) Weavers Rest (8 Market Place, M46 0EG)
Pub has 8 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 3 reviewer(s) Wheatsheaf, The (48 Market Street, M46 0DG)