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New Alveley pub reviews

Three Horseshoes

Three Horseshoes

Reviewed by Blue Scrumpy on 12 November 2024

The Three Horseshoes is the only remaining pub in the village of Alveley itself, as both the Squirrel and the Royal Oak are just outside the village on the main A4442. The village did have another pub called the Bell of which I was a regular and whe... [more>]

The Squirrel

The Squirrel

Reviewed by Delboy 20 on 03 June 2022

Nice pub with plenty of outdoor seating. Doom Bar and HPA on when I called. The HPA was excellent. A nice selection of cobs on the bar, if I hadn't just eaten I would have had one! Happy to call again.

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Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 1 reviewer(s) Royal Oak (Kidderminster Road, WV15 6LL)
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 4 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5.5 from 2 reviewer(s) Squirrel, The (Kidderminster Road, WV15 6LW)
Pub has 14 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 1 reviewer(s) Three Horseshoes (Daddlebrook Road, WV15 6NB)