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Picture of Tay Bridge Bar
Image posted by David Myles
Submitted on Monday, 17th April 2017
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Tay Bridge Bar, Dundee

129 Perth Road
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Reviews of Tay Bridge Bar (Average Rating: of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Pub SignMan left this review about Taybridge Bar

This nice former multiple room pub has now been opened out into one long, wide room with the servery along the back wall. Entering through the left hand door, you find yourself in a decent seating area with standard tables and chairs along the end wall and a fantastic poster of the Tay Bridge to the rear. The servery extends through what must’ve been three formerly separate rooms and has a pleasant dark wood counter and bar back, with the highlight being the two fabulous mirrors including one which displays a fine image of the eponymous bridge. The bar back is topped with two model ships and, like so many other Scottish pubs, a liberally scattered collection of whisky boxes. The area opposite the bar is fairly dull and offers standing room in the main, with a few pews to the front offering the only seating options, stood under some old floral wallpaper and some dark wood panels with a TV screen showing an obscure French football fixture for the benefit of absolutely no-one. Meanwhile, the right hand side is a carpeted space with a mix of padded banquettes and regular chairs under fancy chandeliers. There is more of the same floral wallpaper on show here as well as some excellent mirrors on the end wall including another with a great image of the bridge on it. A Wurlitzer jukebox stands in one corner but it was the radio that played away in the background. Unlike other pubs in the area, there were no students in the pub – just a few old boys congregated around the bar.
I didn’t really expect to find any ale on in here so it was nice to find Inveralmond Ossian on the only functioning hand pump. It wasn’t in bad shape either and I enjoyed supping it whilst watching the meaningless French football match on the TV.
This felt like a proper local’s pub and I have to say I felt a bit out of place sat alone drinking my pint of ale whilst all the old boys watched me from the bar with their pints of lager. Still, it was a decent enough pub and is probably worth stopping by for a quick half to admire the lovely mirrors, but it’s not one I’d include on a future crawl.

On 14th June 2018 - rating: 6
[User has posted 3206 recommendations about 3206 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Just a quick pint, then I'm off left this review about Taybridge Bar

This pub has a heritage interior that you wouldn't necessarily expect from the semi-modernised façade. It has been opened out inside at some point to leave five different spaces of various sizes around the 'L'-shaped bar, all quite basic but there is some 1/3rd-height wood panelling, other low-key decorative woodwork, a variety of local-interest pictures and a generally traditional feel. Two of four handpumps in use, and whilst there was no sign of the expected Hawkhill ales, there were two from Inveralmond: Ossian (£3.20) and Lia Fail. McEwans 80/- also noted on one of a pair of Edinburgh-style brass taps.

On 18th February 2018 - rating: 7
[User has posted 8344 recommendations about 8343 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

john gray left this review about Taybridge Bar

Bit of a scruffy one room pub.Large Tay bridge mirrors dominate the walls.Old original wood panelled booth with marble topped table to the left as you enter.Three cask beers on from the local Hawkhill brewery.

On 22nd October 2016 - rating: 6
[User has posted 1023 recommendations about 1009 pubs]

External web links for Tay Bridge Bar

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Pub location see interactive map of local area
Map location corrected by hondo .
Dundee, 1.12 miles, 21 min walk (show)
Invergowrie, 3.18 miles, 1 hr 1 min walk (show)
Broughty Ferry, 5.06 miles, 1 hr 37 min walk (show)
Latest updates View all updates for Tay Bridge Bar, Dundee
25th Apr 2020, 18:20
Picture submitted by adam bell approved
25th Apr 2020, 18:03
Picture submitted by adam bell

Pub Details

Pub details supplied by members of this site to the best of their knowledge. Please check with pub directly before making a special trip.

  • Accommodation : No last updated 14 June 2018 by Pub SignMan
  • Bar Billiards : No last updated 14 June 2018 by Pub SignMan
  • Beer Garden : No last updated 14 June 2018 by Pub SignMan
  • Car Park : No last updated 14 June 2018 by Pub SignMan
  • Darts : No last updated 14 June 2018 by Pub SignMan
  • Hot Food : Yes last updated 14 June 2018 by Pub SignMan
  • Jukebox : Yes last updated 14 June 2018 by Pub SignMan
  • Live TV Sports : Yes last updated 14 June 2018 by Pub SignMan
  • Micropub : No last updated 14 June 2018 by Pub SignMan
  • Pinball : No last updated 14 June 2018 by Pub SignMan
  • Pool Table : No last updated 14 June 2018 by Pub SignMan
  • Quiz Night : Yes last updated 17 September 2014 by Pub SignMan
  • Real Ale : Yes last updated 09 May 2014 by Dave McNally
  • Real Cider : No last updated 14 June 2018 by Pub SignMan
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