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Craft Beer, Keswick

Pub added by Will Larter
Pack Horse Court
CA12 5JB

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Reviews (Current Rating Average: 6 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Will Larter left this review about Craft Beer

A bright and colourful beer shop and tap at the end of Pack Horse Court. Opening every day at 1pm, and I mean on the dot - I walked up at 13:05 and was the first customer. There are half a dozen keg taps, with details on a blackboard and their colourful discs/lenses/roundels displayed in front of the unadorned pipework. There's also a single hand pump - the guy running the place told me he's just getting used to cask beers as he doesn't drink it himself. (I went for a keg'un anyway.) There are plenty of cans and bottles on the shelves, and the place is, as I said at the top, bright and colourful. Definitely a change from the usual fare in Keswick, so I hope it does well.

On 25th January 2024 - rating: 6
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