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Pubs Galore Crawl Autumn/Winter 2024 with Tris39 on the Pub Forum

The Wharf, Sowerby Bridge

Pub added by peter ashworth
19-21 Wharf Street
Sowerby Bridge

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Please Note: This review is over a year old.

ROB Camra left this review about The Wharf

This is a café that happens to sell beer they close at 3. It's not a pub.

On 26th May 2019 - no rating submitted
[User has posted 3258 recommendations about 3168 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

peter ashworth left this review about Wharfe Cafe Bar

Called in on a Saturday lunchtime to check if they sold beer,which they did. There was 3 keg beer pumps with the Black Sheep being the pick of the crop.

On 7th May 2016 - no rating submitted
[User has posted 2364 recommendations about 2319 pubs]