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Railway Tavern, Sittingbourne

Pub added by E TA
Barrow Green
Postal town: Sittingbourne

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Reviews (Current Rating Average: 6 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

E TA left this review about Railway Tavern

A local pub, previously a Barclays then a Courage pub but now a freehouse, which has recently reopened after trying to be an Indian restaurant and various other things. It was built as a farmhouse in 1828 and became a pub in 1858 with the arrival of the railway. It's a bit scruffy both inside and out, but the welcome from staff and locals alike was quite genuine. There are 2 bars, carpeted, outdated décor, TV screens showing sports, and gaming machines. The open fireplace is not a period feature, and has an electric fire in it. There is limited parking at the front. The chatter was all about sports and betting, this being more of a sports bar than most sports bars. There was only one ale on, Hopdaemon's Golden Braid which was in very good condition and most enjoyable. This is a proper pub, one of a dying breed, a small town boozer worth dropping from the A2 or breaking a rail journey to find.

On 26th June 2013 - rating: 6
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