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Pubs Galore Crawl Autumn/Winter 2024 with Tris39 on the Pub Forum

Hartford Hall, Northwich

Pub added by Oggwyn Great
School Lane
Postal town: Northwich

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Pub Type

Traditional Food (Marstons)

Reviews (Current Rating Average: 5 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Malden man left this review about Hartford Hall Hotel

This is a large rambling building, rather more a hotel and restaurant than a pub, there is however a bar area in the middle which sports four handpumps. Once a manor house and I believe a nunnery, the building sits in extensive grounds which include a lake and a large amount of outdoor seating on different levels. Various areas inside are interconnected, wood panelled walls, ceiling beams and posts and some exposed brickwork. Various fireplaces, some with stacked logs which may get some use in colder weather.
Three beers were on, all from the Marston's stable, Ringwood Best Bitter, Pedigree and seasonal Wychwood Pumpking with the other remaining unclipped.
It really isn't very pubby, more like a slightly upmarket Harvester, but an interesting building if you can see past the modernised bits and as there is little else particularly close by, a local asset if you fancy a quick pint.
Loads of car parking and good disabled access.

On 26th October 2014 - rating: 5
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