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Ross's Bar, Glasgow

Pub added by Colin Spiller
78 Mitchell Street
G1 3NA

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Reviews (Current Rating Average: 7 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Paul McScotty left this review about Ross's Original Bar

Ross's used to be a great traditional (classy) bar, however in recent years with its exceptionally loud karaoke events (with it has to be said has some great singers) playing the usual "Adele" type songs it tends to attract a younger crowd that are noisy and can get a bit rowdy - very busy most Fridays and Saturdays( but pretty quiet/dead during the week) - so you'll love it if you like that sort of thing - saying that its still a very nice looking traditional bar that has good seating and good food - it carries a lot of standard pump beers (no ales) and spirits bottles beers etc and prices are pretty much the norm for the area (think higher than city centre by 10p-20p) has a few tv screens that show sports when something good is on (not old firm) and is better during the day if you want a nice pint and a chat - as I say at night its loud and you feel as if you've just been to a Thrash metal concert when you leave rather that a karaoke pub. Bar staff are fine. If its your type of bar youll love it if not its ok just turn the volume down a bit please!

On 22nd February 2014 - rating: 6
[User has posted 44 recommendations about 42 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Peter Rydings left this review about Ross's Original Bar

Another one worth a visit says it used to be a wine warehouse in days gone by it was tea time few people in made the place feel cold but it will get busy later on fine old building

On 15th February 2013 - rating: 8
[User has posted 948 recommendations about 917 pubs]