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The Griffins Head, Nottingham

Pub added by elizabeth mcgraw
Moor Road
Postal town: Nottingham
NG15 8EN

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Pub Type

Punch Taverns

Reviews (Current Rating Average: 6 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Alex Conway left this review about The Griffins Head

The Griffins Head is an longstanding country pub in the small village of Papplewick a few miles northeast of Hucknall. The pub is quite remote and pretty inacessable by public transport aside from a very inffequnt local bus a few times a day. Did the two hour walk from bestwood along the country roads (be warned large sections are without pavement where the main road must be used) the pub is on an apex and whitewashed on the outside. Inside the pub has a small two sided square bar with two opened out sections to the left and right. There is also another smaller room off to the left that is carpeted. The pub does a large food trade and all tables are equipped with menues but can be used for both eating and drinking. On my Friday mid afternoon visit there were a dozen regulars scattered around the various rooms with a coupple eating what looked like wholesome home cooked food. The decor is in a traditional style with old wood pannelinng and a mixture of bench and table seating. The only gripe would be that because a lot of the tables are set up for dining and can lose the atmosphere in certain sections because iris a tad formal and un "pubby" for a village local. That aside the beer selection is the ususl keg selection plus four habdpulls (without sparkler which annoys me in this part of the world) . The selection was Griffin ale (from unspecified brewery) London pride, dancing duck dark drake and Adnams Broadside. The pride was in fairly OK nick but a tad on the warm side at 3.60 which is probably about the going rate in rural places around Nottinghamshire these days. Overall this was a good experience and a place to call in if ever doing a long walk around bestwood country park like I did but maybe not worth a special journey.

On 4th April 2024 - rating: 6
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