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Pubs Galore Crawl Autumn/Winter 2024 with Tris39 on the Pub Forum

The Shepherds Inn (Lith. Berneliu Užeiga), Leytonstone, E11

485 High Road
E11 4PG

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Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Steve of N21 left this review about The Shepherds Inn (Lith. Berneliu Užeiga)

This is an impressive Victorian pub on the Leytonstone High Road which was built in 1870 as the Cowley Arms. It was initially owned by Savill’s Brewery of Stratford, before becoming a Charringtons house ansd sporting a large neon sign for Toby Ale on the front chimney stack when Charringtons took over the Savill’s pubs in the 1920s. It became a Freehouse at some point around 2000 and went through a few incarnations before becoming a live music venue pub and changed its name to The Loaded Dog in around 2005. I remember coming here to see Bad Manners around 2006 and have a vague recollection that it had a couple of mainstream ales available.
The music venue closed down in 2009, briefly reopened as a bog standard pub with no ale in 2010 before closing again and stayed closed until it reopened as a Lithuanian bar and restaurant called the Shepherds Inn in January 2012.
It qualifies to remain on this website as you can just get a drink at the small bar and do not have to eat here. But unless you have a penchant for Lithuanian standard beers such as Grand Select and Svyturys Baltas and Ekstra there is probably no interest to do so.

On 16th April 2019 - no rating submitted
[User has posted 2203 recommendations about 2071 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

hondo . left this review about The Shepherds Inn

Lithuanian bar/restaurant

On 28th March 2014 - no rating submitted
[User has posted 2905 recommendations about 2842 pubs]