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Reviewing milestone with Mobyduck on the Pub Forum

The Leighton, Kentish Town, N7

101 Brecknock Road
N7 0DA

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Reviews (Current Rating Average: 3 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Rex Rattus left this review about The Leighton

This is obviously a large old Victorian pub, now painted indigo and white, a colour scheme probably not seen much in Victorian times. Inside it's largely been opened up, with no original features of note that I could see, except a bit of cornicing and the cast iron pillars that nobody in their right mind would remove. There are some sofas and banquettes plus some normal tables and chairs; on the right is what looks like a modern brick built fireplace next to a spiral staircase that leads to who knows where.

There were two unclipped handpumps on the bar - but no real ale as they were awaiting deliveries. Beer tomorrow apparently. Maybe I was just unlucky in my timing, but I'm never very impressed with cellar management of this calibre. Anyway, I went for a half of Birra Moretti (seemed cheap at £1.65 a half). The barmaid/landlady attached some sort of sparkler-like widget to the tap before pouring it - a new one on me for a lager. She says it makes it come out right. I'm still unimpressed. I didn't see any menus, but there were a couple of boards outside, one advertising Sunday lunches and the other a pie of some sort that apparently came with something called "liquor".

Perhaps visiting on a midweek lunchtime one doesn't see a place at its best, but based on my one visit I don't expect to seek this pub out for a revisit.

On 9th June 2015 - rating: 4
[User has posted 2606 recommendations about 2520 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Strongers . left this review about The Leighton

I found this pub to be quite unfriendly and I regretted walking in. I got the feeling that it mainly caters for the local estates and anyone that is not a local is treated with suspicion. I gave up trying to get to the bar as a particularly unfriendly family of deadbeats blocked one side of it and I cut my losses after a couple of minutes and slinked out.

There are two hand pumps, one of which was unused and the Pride on the other one was off. There is also a selection of standard lagers available.

There is a pool table and a dart board out the back before reaching a reasonably sized beer garden for the area.

I'll not be returning here.

On 27th April 2009 - rating: 2
[User has posted 5497 recommendations about 5464 pubs]