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Pubs Galore Crawl Autumn/Winter 2024 with Tris39 on the Pub Forum

Waggon & Horses, Newcastle under Lyme

33 Higherland
Newcastle under Lyme
Phone: 01782614268

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Pub Type

Punch Taverns

Reviews (Current Rating Average: of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Will Larter left this review about Waggon & Horses

A two-roomed pub with a dining room on the left smelling strongly of food, so that I soon left and took my beer through to the other room, only to find that the toilets are only accessible (via a corridor filled with boxes and clutter) through the former. There are four beers on in each bar, with Titanic Plum Porter in the lounge replacing the Old Golden Hen in the dining room (see photo for others). I went for the Timothy Taylor Landlord, but it was disappointingly stale; my immediate thought was that five beers is too many for a small pub with an emphasis on food. (The Sneyd Arms across the road has fewer beers but in superb nick.) True to form, Landlord was the most expensive beer I drank during my visit to N-u-L (though not the worst).

On 19th April 2018 - rating: 5
[User has posted 4005 recommendations about 3711 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Alan Winfield left this review about Waggon & Horses

The Waggon and Horses is situated on the corner of higherland and seabridge road and it is opposite the Sneyd Arms.
Once inside there was a smart looking lounge to the left,this room had comfy bench seating around the edge of the room with a couple of tables and chairs in the middle of the room,the room was carpeted throughout,there was a seperate bar to the right.
There were four real ales on the bar,i had a drink of Taylor Landlord which was ok but slightly too warm,the other beers were Pedigree,Thwaites Wainwright and GK Abbot.
This was a smart and comfortable pub but it was empty on my visit and far too quiet for my liking.

Pub visited 15/6/2013

On 15th June 2013 - rating: 6
[User has posted 6113 recommendations about 6113 pubs]