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Reviewing milestone with Mobyduck on the Pub Forum

Cowie Tavern, Stirling

26 Main Street
Postal town: Stirling

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Pub Type

Punch Taverns

Reviews (Current Rating Average: 10 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Colin Walker left this review about Cowie Tavern

The Cowie Tavern is situated in the small village of the land that time forgot; sorry I meant to say Cowie. A great claim to fame for this village is that there was no Sunday drinking in pubs in Scotland prior to 1977, so the Cowie Tavern had applied for the licence and was second on the list of applications at licencing court. But since it was the first with no objections it was granted immediately. So became the first pub in Scotland to have Sunday drinking hours.

On 2nd August 2015 - rating: 10
[User has posted 710 recommendations about 705 pubs]