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Curly Coo Bar, Stirling

51 Barnton Street
Phone: 01786447191

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Quinno _ left this review about Curly Coo Bar

Like the reviewer below, we also ventured in due to the silly name (changed from the somewhat more sedate - but highly British - moniker of Albion Bar around 10 years ago). Unusual pyramid shaped interior done-out in red and white with leather banquettes, old skool carpet and a nice moulded dado. The jutting bar has no gantry which felt slightly peculiar. A wide range of whiskies are showcased in backlit display cases which was a nice touch. An offbeat bohemian vibe, augmented by the 1950s music being gently expelled from the speakers and a sign proclaiming ‘Nae footie here!!’. A single cask in Orkney Dark Island (NBSS 2). Interesting curio that’s worth a look if you have time; sadly it was really quiet on our visit despite a number of other nearby pubs doing a solid trade.

On 29th January 2024 - rating: 6
[User has posted 5386 recommendations about 5369 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Ian Mapp left this review about The Curly Coo

couldn't resist from the name alone.

More of a whisky bar - with loads available. One hand pull and the Inveralmond Lia Fail was in fine conditional.

Central bar with leather topped bench seating all around.

Lovely little boozer. Best in Stirling.

On 4th October 2019 - rating: 9
[User has posted 1431 recommendations about 1414 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Will Larter left this review about The Curly Coo

Having found this pub closed on our previous visit to Stirling, I persuaded my daughter to join me for a post-prandial drink here this time around. Although its appearance is unpromising, this corner bar with central bar counter protruding into the room is instantly welcoming. The licencee proved to be a welcoming, friendly and knowledgeable woman; although the one hand pump was vacant, there were (in addition to the usual suspects) two very good beers which were either exceptionally well managed keg or some Scottish version delivered without the use of hand pumps (I neglected to enquire, but suspect the former). I went for Williams Brothers Joker IPA, which was vastly superior to the couple of times I've had this beer from the keg on previous visits to Scotland; my daughter had the Harviestoun Bitter & Twisted, which the sip I had told me was in equally good nick. When I exclaimed at how different it was from my previous experience of this beer when not real ale (i.e. cold and fizzy and tasteless), the landlady countered that she knew how to look after her beers, which clearly she does.

I don't know much about malt whiskey, and doubtless she will have steered us towards some of the more expensive examples at her disposal. Suffice to say that we spent more money than we had anticipated, but also had a better time than a cursory glance at the exterior of the pub had prepared us for. (It would have been even better if it hadn't been for the landlady's truly dreadful choice of music, but then nobody's perfect.)

Date of visit: 3rd June 2018

On 29th June 2018 - rating: 7
[User has posted 3960 recommendations about 3670 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

David Ross left this review about The Curly Coo

This externally unprepossessing and oddly named little corner bar turns out to be one of the most impressive pubs in Stirling. It boasts, justifiably, of being a “Malt Whiskey Heaven” and has 120 different varieties on sale. As a non-whiskey drinker, I opted for a pint of Tennent’s lager instead, which cost me £3.20. Guinness, Caledonia Best, Schiehallion, Dark Island Stout and Harviestoun Bitter and Twisted are also on draught. The bar and the pub itself are both triangular shaped and the clientele of mixed age. Music was playing, but at a low level which didn’t disturb conversations. All in all, this is an excellent pub and well worth the short walk along from the main streets of the city centre.

On 20th April 2015 - rating: 9
[User has posted 769 recommendations about 683 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

curly coo left this review about The Curly Coo

Re opened in December 2013 as a Whisky Bar. Over 120 Malt Whiskies, Local beers, craft kegs, Scottish Cider, good selection of Scottish gins and more...

On 7th August 2014 - no rating submitted
[User has posted 1 recommendations about 1 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Roger Button left this review about The Albion Bar

Situated a couple of minutes from the train station, this small and simplistic, triangular pub was purpose built in 1864.

Whilst it doesn’t look too inviting from outside, the carpeted, single room interior is quite neat, comfortable and more appealing than you initially expect. Comfortable banquette seating lines 2 sides with a central bar at the back on the third side. Lots of Stirling Albion FC memorabilia adorn the walls (old team photos, scarves, shirts etc) as well as some photos of other local sporting groups and old pictures of town. A dominoes board was laid out on one table and some background piped music helped create some ambience given that it was pretty quiet when I was there which was disappointing to see for peak time on a Friday evening. Consequently I’m not sure what the general customer base is seemed cosy and quite relaxed so would probably attract a relatively mature crowd.

Not much in the way of beers, no real ales so I resorted to McKeowans Export (£2.95) which killed the 20 minutes or so I had before my train. I found the place more interesting than I expected and would certainly pop in again albeit the perhaps not unexpected lack of even a token ale is the major drawback.

On 13th October 2011 - rating: 6
[User has posted 1239 recommendations about 1233 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Derrick Rowlands left this review about The Albion Bar

One of the best welcomes me and my wife have ever had when visiting a pub.
Pauline and staff were excellent

On 9th May 2011 - rating: 9
[User has posted 1 recommendations about 1 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

allan goodsir left this review about The Albion Bar

good pub ,great band, black velvet

On 6th January 2008 - no rating submitted
[User has posted 4 recommendations about 4 pubs]