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Pubs Galore Crawl Autumn/Winter 2024 with Tris39 on the Pub Forum

Valley Hotel, Swansea

41 Bishopston Road
Postal town: Swansea

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Pub Type

Punch Taverns

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Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Soup Dragon left this review about Bishopston Valley Hotel

This is a detached pub and eatery, with front and rear patio areas. It 'looks' like a Georgian building that has been garishly turned Gothic by the Victorians. The former Valley Hotel, the body of the pub is in a light grey, but the frontage is covered by window canopies, a porch, an over-hanging roof, all of which are supported by struts. There are a couple of pointed dormers too. The interior has an open plan room, where the food area is to the right, which is raised, and the bar area is to the left. The bar area is in white and green, with a wood floor. There is a fireplace, with burner fire. Old photos are on the walls and lots of eclectic ephemera is dotted about; from beer trays to hanging jugs. There are settle and bech seats along with the tables and chairs. There is a dart board, although it appears you will have to move stuff to play. The service was fine and the place pretty busy, with diners and drinks - a mixed crowd. The TV wasn't on and there was no music. Beer; usual tap stuff with Courage Best, Rev James, DBC Jurassic and a decent Triple F Moondance. A lot better than i expected - a quirky, nay garish exterior, but very tidy and a good beer range. Worth a visit.

On 1st October 2013 - no rating submitted
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