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Pubs Galore Crawl Autumn/Winter 2024 with Tris39 on the Pub Forum

Angel Hotel, Helston

16 Coinagehall Street
TR13 8EB

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Reviews (Current Rating Average: 6 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Soup Dragon left this review about Angel Hotel

What is a plain terraced Georgian styled hotel, restaurant and bar is enhanced, or broken up, by a neo-classic porched entrance in black. The rest of the hotel is in red and white render, with three storeys of sash windows. The interior has one long room, mostly in white, with some red. The bottom end, where the serving bar is, is a bar area, with a pool table, stone floor, a few prints, comfy seats and a well feature. The top end is a restaurant area, with a garish carpet, a few fireplaces and Victorian prints on the walls. I dodn't notice a TV and the music was general and at a decent level. The service was OK and the clientele were a few maturer guys playing pool. Beer; usual tap stuff with an OK St Austell Trelawny on handpull. A bit too hotely and not enough real ale choice, still, happy i nipped in for a half.

On 29th April 2013 - no rating submitted
[User has posted 3067 recommendations about 3062 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Michael Wright left this review about Angel Hotel

Colin is right, Lorina is the owner or at least works there

On 2nd February 2008 - rating: 2
[User has posted 526 recommendations about 382 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Colin Gooch left this review about Angel Hotel

Just a point the only recommendation reads like a plug from the landlord/owner not an independant review

On 2nd February 2008 - no rating submitted
[User has posted 60 recommendations about 57 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Lorina Misquita left this review about Angel Hotel

The Angel Hotel in central Helston dates back to the 16th century and was once the town house of Lord Sidney Godolphin who was First Minister to 3 Monarchs and reputed to be one of the finest politicians in British history. Thereafter, it became a noted coaching inn and has been trading for over 250 years. The Angel is located on the Main High street and offers 13 double bedrooms. This is the prime location to see the Furry Dance on Flora Day. The Angel Hotel is appoximately 2 miles from Poldark Mine and 1 mile from Flambards theme park. We have a large private function room and restaurant and can cater for large parties. An a la carte menu and traditional bar snacks are available. The bar area was once the courtyard and still has a 40 foot

On 27th November 2007 - rating: 10
[User has posted 1 recommendations about 1 pubs]