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Reviewing milestone with Mobyduck on the Pub Forum

The Golden Fleece, Melksham

Folly Lane
Postal town: Melksham
SN12 8EZ

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Reviews (Current Rating Average: 4 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Blue Scrumpy left this review about The Golden Fleece

Now more commonly known by the Italian words for the Golden Fleece - "Il Vello D'Oro", this place is now more of an Italian restaurant/wine bar than it is a pub. Although London Pride was available on handpull.

I don't think I am amongst the target customer base for this place. From what I could see, all but one other customer were having lunch. The other drinker was drinking wine.

The interior consists of multiple small rooms with low ceilings and beams. It has plenty of character. The Italian staff seemed a bit stand-offish, probably because I wasn't their usual type of customer. Worth visiting to see this traditional pub and to perhaps try some food.

On 13th November 2023 - rating: 4
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