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Reviewing milestone with Mobyduck on the Pub Forum

The Digby, Birmingham

911 Chester Road
Postal town: Birmingham
B24 0HJ
Phone: 01213826821

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Reviews (Current Rating Average: 7 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Just a quick pint, then I'm off left this review about The Digby

Single-storey building set much further back from the road than one might expect for a housing estate pub. As you approach through the car park, the 'L'-shaped arrangement can be seen, with the bar straight ahead and the dining area in the side branch to the left. Anonymous semi-modern furniture and decor throughout, with a pool table and several sports TV screens. Patio area out front too. Two of three handpumps in operation, offering Banks's Amber (just £2.30) and Hobgoblin.

On 27th January 2019 - rating: 6
[User has posted 8344 recommendations about 8343 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Soup Dragon left this review about The Digby

This is a modern, 1960s pub, built as a part of the mass development of the area. It is a sprawling low-level, single storey pub, with a patio area. It is in white, with brown paintwork, but has more aesthtic value than many estate pubs of the period, as there is some effort to make it look a little different. The interior is a sort of Z-shape. The serving bar faces you on entry and the bar area curves around it. There is a pool table, darts too, i think. The TV wasn't on here and there is a jukebox - though no music. The walls are white, coffee and wood panel, and some old local photos were on the walls. This side had a mixed clientele. The service was fine. An open, adjoining room is for food. In the same decor, it is broken by a brick hearth feature. There were no real pictures here and the TV wasn't on. Beer; usual tap stuff with an M&B MILD that was pretty cold and so, tasteless. There was Marston's EPA on handpull. A more generic interior to this Stonegate pub, and not really an inspiring one. Run-of-the-mill.

On 10th December 2013 - no rating submitted
[User has posted 3067 recommendations about 3062 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Chris Kilmister left this review about The Digby

Nice Pub, good meals.
Sits back from the main road, it must miss a lot of passing trade.

On 25th February 2008 - rating: 8
[User has posted 13 recommendations about 13 pubs]