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Reviewing milestone with Mobyduck on the Pub Forum

Shoal Hill Tavern, Hatherton, Cannock

Sandy Lane
WS11 1RF
Phone: 01543503302

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Reviews (Current Rating Average: 7 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Soup Dragon left this review about Shoal Hill Tavern

Update: Always remained a Thwaites pub, but it had a 2 for 1 incarnation before returning to a more 'classy pub' and restaurant. Still has its nice garden area and it has been redecorated in a tidy way with lots of historic type wildlife prints. Service was fine and the diners had gone by the time we visited - leaving the same maturer clientele around the bar and bar area. Several pumps were dispensing the now familiar Wainwright and Lancaster Bomber (seemingly in many a Banks's/Marston's pub), as well as a decent enough Original Bitter. I have always liked this place, but please widen the ale range.
August 2009: A bit like a country pub and restaurant. The exterior to this pub is white rendered, but a hotch-potch of a building giving it some character. There is a beer patio and a garden. The interior is open plan around the central bar area but forms to clear parts; a lounge and a dining area, separated by a big iron grill/gate. The decor is plain white artex walls and ceiling, with some fake beams and various kinds of pictures on the walls. The service was very friendly and the place pretty full of the maturer clientele. Beer; usual bit of tap stuff, but delighted to find it was a Thwaites pub, with 3 handpulls; Thwaites bitter, Wainright (excellent) and Lancaster Bomber (nice). Clearly the best place in Cannock.

On 15th June 2018 - no rating submitted
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Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Danny O'Revey left this review about Shoal Hill Tavern

A fine pub situated on the outskirts of Cannock, on the road to Penkridge.

I do get the impression this pub both suffers and benefits from its location. It is on the edge of one corner of Cannock Chase, but also next to one corner of Cannock, I get the feeling it therefore doesn't know which direction to go or the potential it may have. It could be a lovely country or it could be a community pub, but tries to be both.

However, maybe I'm being a bit over critical on this one. Its in a fine setting and the outside areas are glorious in good weather, there is even a tethering pole for horses, which was in use during my visit. The inside is very modern, light patterned seating and modern furninshings and the majority is given over to dining, in fact as you walk in their is a sign saying 'please wait to be seated' - however I ignored this as I was only drinking, and they seemed fine with this.

It is a fine pub, though I'm not sure I would particularly want to make the effort to go here if it were Winter, but again maybe over critical. Four Thwaites beers and my Bomber was good and Thwaites is rare for the area.

Overall its a very pleasant pub and I think I just could see more potential here, though probably for my own particular taste.

On 28th June 2010 - rating: 7
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