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Pubs Galore Crawl Autumn/Winter 2024 with Tris39 on the Pub Forum

Great Western, Yeovil

Camborne Grove
BA21 5DG

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Please Note: This review is over a year old.

E TA left this review about Great Western

Being converted to residential.

On 7th January 2019 - no rating submitted
[User has posted 3405 recommendations about 3370 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

E TA left this review about The Great Western

An Edwardian railway hotel near Pen Mill Station, the ground floor now opened out to form a single open plan bar, mostly carpeted, with a couple of private corners to retire to between bouts, all wheelchair accessible. It's currently run by Wadworth, so the two beer choices on were 6X and Horizon, while two other handpumps were not in use. The beers were over-chilled, not on top form, but drinkable. On approaching the front garden, furnished with wooden benches, tables and umbrellas, we were obstructed by a gang of aggressive looking smokers, not the warmest of welcomes, although once inside people were quite friendly (though there was still an undercurrent of the Wild South West), and the staff were pleasant. There are gaming machines, a pool table and a dartboard, and various framed prints refer to the pub's railway origins. There is also a projector used for screening live sport matches, and there was a table at one side with a Trivial Pursuits game and some books for the regulars, some of which still hadn't been coloured in. Two of the urinals had been ripped off the wall in the gents' toilet, which is apparently par for the course here. It's handy for the station, but opening times are unreliable.

On 12th September 2017 - rating: 6
[User has posted 3405 recommendations about 3370 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

BobOs . left this review about The Great Western

I keep passing it at lunchtimes but apparently it doesn't open until 3pm - wierd!

On 19th April 2012 - no rating submitted
[User has posted 370 recommendations about 355 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

BobOs . left this review about The Great Western

A Wadsworth house close to the railway station and turned around by Shiela and her daughter Zoe to become one of the better pubs in Yeovil. Sadly S&Z are off to pastures new, so we'll have to wait and see what the future holds. Above average - but for how long?

On 9th July 2011 - rating: 6
[User has posted 370 recommendations about 355 pubs]