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Reviewing milestone with Mobyduck on the Pub Forum

Bell & Crown, Crimchard, Chard

TA20 1JP

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Reviews (Current Rating Average: 7 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

E TA left this review about Bell & Crown

A Victorian town pub with a very local feel, scruffy outside btu very welcoming within. There is a car park at the back, from which a steep flight of steps leads to a rather bleak back door, or alternatively you could walk around the front to the main door. The garden area consists only of a paved terrace with a couple of benches. The single carpeted bar is long and L-shaped, formed from knocking through. The décor includes a 1960s stone fireplace and gives the impression of an assisted living bungalow. A skittle alley at the back also serves as a function room. There is a TV which was showing live sports. Food is very basic pub grub, but very cheap and well cooked – excellent value for money, but only available at lunchtimes. The landlady greeted us like long-lost friends, and the locals took the opportunity to tell us how wonderful the pub is as a local, plus claiming it to be Chard’s best ale pub, which does appear to be the case. Even the pub dog, an elderly labrador, greeted us enthusiastically. The ales were also well below average price for the area. Otter and Tribute were on offer, both in very good condition. I’d be very happy to come back.

On 11th October 2018 - rating: 7
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